How do you add documents to samples in ForneyTools®?

By adding crucial documents like truck tickets, site drawings, and approvals directly to your concrete sample records, ForneyTools is enhancing traceability, ensuring compliance, and streamlining your access to needed sample data.


- Users must have Enable Photo Upload permissions to manage photos. 

- User administrator/s can manage permissions for all users. Please see: How do I manage ForneyVault® users?

Table of Contents

  1. Add Documents
  2. Manage Documents


Add Documents to a Sample

  1. Documents can be added to an existing Sample in ForneyTools.  Use article How to Manage a Sample in ForneyTools®? to select your desired Sample. 
  2. Select the Documents tab then the Add Document button to launch the Add Document tool. 

  3. Select the files to add by dragging and dropping the files or using the Select Files button.
  4. Once added, enter a description of the files.

  5. Use the Upload File button to add to your document. 
  6. The uploaded files will be displayed as part of the Sample. 



Manage Documents in Sample

  1. Use article How to Manage a Sample in ForneyTools®? to select your desired sample. 
  2. Select the Documents tab to select the desired document to manage. 

  3. Manage the document by using the options: 
    1. View (): Open a quick view of the document in ForneyTools
    2. Download (): Download a copy of the file to your device. 
    3. Edit (): Edit the file's name. 
    4. Delete (): Delete and remove the document from the Sample and from ForneyVault.