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  2. ForneyTools®
  3. New ForneyVault Subscriber

How do I manage ForneyVault® users?

You can add, edit, or disable ForneyVault Users by utilizing the User Admin section of ForneyTools®.

In order to manage a ForneyVault User your individual User account must have User Administrator permissions. Please contact Forney support to grant you the permissions needed.



  • To preserve data integrity User accounts associated with a report or test CANNOT be deleted. These accounts can only be set as inactive
  • ForneyField™ app Users must have an account created in ForneyTools with Write access to allow them access to the ForneyField app. 
  • To manage Testing Machine Users please follow the instructions here.

Table Of Contents

  1. Adding a new User
  2. Edit an existing User
  3. Reset a User's password
  4. Delete a User


KB Storylane Thumbnail Image_v2


Adding a New User:


  1. After logging into ForneyTools, select Admin from the top menu bar, then select User Admin from the drop-down menu.

  2. To add a User select the +Add User button at the top of the User Admin page.

  3. Fill out the form with your User's selected information and select Submit when complete.






    User is able to view all data in ForneyTools but NOT able to add, edit, or delete data. 



    User IS able to add, edit, or delete data in ForneyTools. Except those limited to User Admin. 

    Note: ForneyField Users must have Writer permissions  to use the Field app. 

    Label Print


    User can NOT print labels



    User IS able to print labels



    User is able to print new AND reprint already printed labels



    User is NOT able to view or generate reports



    User IS able to View generated reports. 



    User IS able to view, create, AND submit reports. 



    User IS able to view, create, submit, AND approve reports. 



    User is NOT able to receive created alerts. 



    User IS able to view created alerts. 



    User IS able to view AND create alerts. 



    Assign User's default lab. 



    All units will be imperial


    All units will be metric


    Same as Administrator

    Units will match the administrator's chosen units. 

    Time Zone


    User's local time zone

    ForneyField Only


    If enabled, User will ONLY have access to the ForneyField app. 

    Enable Photo Upload


    If enabled, User can use Photo Upload features

    Enable Document Upload


    If enabled, User can use Document Upload features.

    Full Project Access


    If enabled, User can manage Projects

  4. Ensure that the Email username and password to user option is checked so that the User receives their login credentials via email. You also need to enter a valid email address when creating the user. A system-generated password will be automatically created, but this can be changed to a starting password of your choosing.


Managing an existing User:

  1. Select the Edit ()button of the record you need to edit.
  2. Edit your User's permissions as needed or set User as inactive by selecting the Account Enabled checkbox.  Save changes by selecting Submit.

  3. To reset a User's password select the Reset Password  ()button to the right of the User's record on the Admin page. 
    1. You have the option to force a password change on the first login as well as email the password to the User by checking the box for the option desired. Make sure the user has a valid email address in their user profile before attempting to email the new password.
    2. Once completed, select Submit to save changes. 
  4. To delete a User, select the Delete () option.
    1. Select OK to save changes.

Note: Please use caution as this action cannot be undone.