Curing of specimens should be completed using ASTM, ASHTO, or your regulatory agency guidelines. ForneyVault allows you to meet these guidelines for every specimen you will be testing.
Table of Contents
Creating New Specimen Cure Conditions
- After logging into ForneyTools, from the top menu, select Specimen, then choose Cure Conditions.
- From the Specimen Cure Conditions page, Select Create New.
- Type the description of the new Specimen Cure Condition, including the Specimen Type this cure condition will be used for followed by the CureCondId and CureCondId Alias ForneyVault will use to associate this cure condition. When ready to save click the Create button.
- Your new Cure Condition will appear on the Specimen Cure Conditions index page under the selected specimen type and will be available on the HMI when testing a specimen of the type created.
Edit Existing Specimen Cure Conditions
- To Edit an existing Specimen Cure Conditions select the edit (
) icon.
- Update any fields desired.
- When ready select Save to record your changes.
Delete Existing Specimen Cure Conditions
- To Delete an existing Specimen cure Condition select the delete (
) icon.
- Accept the delete confirmation to delete the selected specimen cure condition.