ForneyField | Manage Assigned Samples

The "Mine" filter is available on the Dashboard, Sample, and Find Uncollected screens. Turn on "Mine" to quickly view cast samples & samples that include your username in fields for Assigned Tech, Claimed Tech, or Collector Name.

Why It's Important

Field users quickly want to locate samples assigned to their username. This feature improves a field tech's productivity when finding and collecting samples. Users no longer have to scroll through samples to distinguish what is assigned to them or someone else.

How It Works

The Mine filter is a button located on the top right menu of Dashboard, Samples, and Find Uncollected screens. Tap "Mine" to show only samples with your username in Assigned Tech, Claimed Tech, or Collector Name. Cast samples will also be displayed as they do not yet have an associated username. Tap on the "All" button to display all samples for all users in your organization's lab.


The Edit Sample and Add Sample screen include fields that contain username:


    Tap "Mine" button in the top right menu of Dashboard to turn on and display only samples with your username:


    Tap "Mine" button in the top right menu of the Sample List screen to turn on and display only samples with your username:

    Tap "Mine" button on the Sample -> Find Uncollected screen to turn on and display only samples with your username:



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