How ForneyLink® Calculates MOE and Poisson's Ratio on your Test Machine.
ForneyLink makes it easy to generate accurate test data
Following the initial cycle, ForneyLink executes the subsequent actions for each successive loading cycle.
Start capturing the stress and strain values starting at a longitudinal strain of 50 millionths.
Stop capturing the stress and strain values upon reaching 40% of the ultimate strength of the specimen, and decrease the load at the same rate at which it was applied.
Perform linear regression calculation via the least square method of all data points between the two points described above.
This is the slope of the best-fit line of those data points.
The slope of the stress vs. strain data is the Modulus of Elasticity (MOE).
Poisson’s Ratio is similar, but the slope of the transverse strain vs. longitudinal strain is calculated.