How do I Delete a Sample, Set or Specimen?

This article will guide you through the process of deleting a Sample or its components to manage your testing data.


  1. Only Samples that DO NOT contain test data can be deleted from ForneyVault. 
  2. Data that is deleted Can NOT be recovered. Use with Caution. 


Table Of Contents

Delete a Sample

Delete a Set

Delete a Specimen


Delete a Sample

  1. After logging into ForneyTools, select Samples from the main navigation menu on the left. 

  2. On the Samples index page, select the Sample you want to delete and click  Delete () .

  3. Confirm the deletion by selecting OK
    This will delete the Sample and its Sets and Specimens. This action can not be undone.

  4. Confirm the data that will be deleted by selecting Confirm when prompted.

Note: If the selected Sample has tested data, the Delete () option will not be shown and the Sample cannot be deleted.


Delete a Set

  1. Select the Sample, including the Set you would like to delete from the Samples menu, then select the Manage Sample ()button. 
  2. Enable DetailView to enable editing of the corresponding Set. 

  3. Select the Delete Set to delete the selected Set.

  4. Confirm the deletion process by clicking OK when prompted. 

Note: If the selected Set has tested data, the Delete option will not be shown, and the Set cannot be deleted.


Delete a Specimen


  1. Select the Sample, including the Set you would like to delete from the Samples menu, then select the Manage Sample ()button. 
  2. Enable DetailView to enable editing of the corresponding Set. 

  3. Select the Edit Set to open the Edit window for the Set, including the specimen that needs to be deleted.

  4. Select the Delete () button on the Specimen you would like to delete. Then confirm when prompted. 

Note: If the selected Set has tested data, the Delete option will not be shown, and the Set cannot be deleted.